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Value: 5

Entering the wrong password more than three times leads to ultimate locking the device displaying the message please try back 1 hour later is better explained by which forcing function?


 Toggle open/close quiz question

Value: 5

Filling a form online for job application navigates you to different pages and does not allow you to jump from one page to other page.

This could be an example of which forcing function?


 Toggle open/close quiz question

Value: 5

In automobiles with automatic transmission, an ________ prevents the transmission from leaving the Park position unless the cars brake pedal is depressed.


 Toggle open/close quiz question

Value: 5

Jail cells or play pens , which prevents a person from leaving an area is an example of which forcing function


 Toggle open/close quiz question

Value: 5

The pin that prevents a fire extinguisher from being activated until it is removed is a ________ forcing function to prevent accidental discharge.


 Toggle open/close quiz question

Value: 5

In cases of fire, people tend to flee in panic down the stairs,past ground floor and into the basement where they might be trapped.Which forcing function applies to lock the gates to basement?

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 Toggle open/close quiz question

Value: 5

Choosing to close the document prompts a dialogue displaying a message "Document not saved, do you want to save?" best suits for which forcing fucntion?


 Toggle open/close quiz question

Value: 5

A dean man's switch can which is a pring loaded switch to enable operation and so that if the operator dies the switch will be released, stopping the eqiupment could better match which forcing function


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